Temples to Toilet Program at Kumbh Mela
In the evening of February 25th, Pujya Swamiji showed a film which had been made on the need for toilets in the presence of members of DRDO, FICCI and the media. The lack of proper toilet facilities is not only a major factor contributing to pollution in Ganga, Yamuna and all rivers, but also is a source of violence, fear and illness in girls and women. Embarrassed to go to the toilet in the daytime, they suffer innumerable ailments from holding until the dark of night. Then, in the dark of night, they fall prey to wild animals and violent men. Hence, the toilet program initiated by Pujya Swamiji is an answer to problems faced by Mother Ganga, Mother Yamuna and all the young and old girls and women living on their banks.
Said Pujya Swami Chidanandji: “Every time we drive and I see women and girls having to jump up in the middle of answering nature’s calls due to shame of passing cars, it hurts my heart and I feel that we are inflicting great physical and emotional violence against our “Matri Shakti” by not providing them with safe, available places to go to the toilet. Also, lack of toilets is one of the main reasons for young girls dropping out of school, so we are committed to building toilets in schools so our young girls can continue their studies. Our temples purify our minds and thoughts, but a toilet is necessary for the body. Just as temples are crucial for spiritual health, so are toilets crucial for physical health. That is why, after decades of building temples, I am now focused on building toilets.”
Said Vivek Oberoi: “I am so glad to be part of such an important initiative which not only helps keep Mother Ganga clean but which also is seva for all of our mothers and sisters — of every age — who don’t have access to toilets and must brave the jungle and rapists in the dark of night. Giving our women the dignity they deserve is our duty.”
Members of Ganga Action Parivar explained that currently, much of India’s sewage is disposed of within water bodies such as the Ganga. The Ganga is deluged with nearly 2 billion liters of human waste a day, while being the sole source of drinking water to a population approximating that of the United States, Canada
and Russia combined. The resulting public health crisis has taken a tremendous toll. According to the World Bank, 21% of communicable diseases in India are related to unsafe water. Of these diseases, diarrhea alone is responsible for over 1,600 deaths each day.
The DRDO-Developed Biodigester uses no chemicals and requires no electricity, nor moving parts. Rather, the biodigester tanks provide an oxygen-free environment within which harmless bacteria dissolve all sewage. What’s left is clear, 99% pathogen-free water, which is rich in agricultural nourishments, and odor-free methane gas which can then be utilized as a fabulous source of energy. Cars have been developed which can reach a top speed of over 180 kph which are fueled for an entire year from the biogas produced from the sewage of just 70 homes. A consortium of Japanese auto makers reports that this fuel can potentially cut carbon emissions by 75%.
The next day before leaving the camp, Vivek Oberoi took a pledge for the construction of the first 2 toilet complexes being built by a partnership between Ganga Action Parivar, DRDO and FICCI. Led by Pujya Swamiji, Vivek performed puja, yagna and a ceremonial “bhoomi puja” blessing for bricks to be used in the eco-friendly, bio-digester toilet complexes. The 2 toilet complexes sponsored by Vivek will be located in Allahabad and in the sacred teerth of Badrinath.