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Aug 26 2018

Raksha Bandhan: A Festival of Love, Affection and Protection

The holiday of Rakhsha Bandhan, or Rakhi, is a celebration of the bond of love and the bond of family. On this day, sisters tie sacred threads around their brothers’ wrists, symbolizing their love and affection. In return, the brother promises to protect his sister and to always be there for her. Rakhsha means protection or security and bandhan means a bond or relation. Thus, Rakhsha Bandhan symbolizes the bond of security and protection between brothers and sisters. Indian Culture – the world is one family However, on Rakhi, the brothers and...

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Aug 10 2018

“GPS Mantra: Faith In God’s Perfect System”

Published in The Times of India, 10 August 2018 Three men sitting under a tree were talking about God.  One man said, "I don't believe that God is perfect.  In fact, there are so many things that an ordinary, reasonable man would be able to plan better than God.  For example, look at the pumpkin patch where hundreds of pumpkins are growing large and round.  But they are attached to tiny, thin vines that are collapsing under their weight, and hence are on the ground!" Another man agreed and pointed to the mangoes...

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May 15 2018

From Temples to Toilets

Dusk dissolved into night as we drove. We were on the road to the holy town of Gangotri, driving in delicate spirals through the Himalayan hills. Below, the moon was already dancing across the waters of the Ganges. Ahead, a smattering of isolated villages– split apart by long stretches of nature– was illuminated only by our car lights. Suddenly, something moved, so quickly, from the bushes. It was a human form. Then appeared another one, just thirty seconds later. I asked the driver to stop the car. As my eyes adjusted, I...

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Feb 13 2018

Maha Shivratri Blessings from Pujya Swamiji

Dear Divine Souls, I hope that – by God’s grace – this finds you and all your loved ones in the best of health and happiness at this holy and sacred time of Maha Shivratri. There are many important messages and meanings to take into our hearts and our lives on this divine occasion. Here are just a few: Shiva as Divine Destroyer: In the trinity of the divine manifestation – Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh (Shiva) – Lord Shiva is the one who destroys or dissolves that which is old and impure, in...

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Jan 01 2018

New Year. New You. Be Green.

Pujya Swamiji’s Evergreen New Year’s Blessing Dear Divine Souls, At this beautiful time of New Year, as we say goodbye to 2017 and usher in 2018, let us pledge to give birth to a New Dream and inspire us to live green, more eco-friendly lives, in every moment and in every minute of our lives. This past year, it seems that each day when we see the news, it has been filled with the tragedy of violence, terrorism, polluted air and water, desiccated waterways, and soil contaminated by chemicals and toxins. We may feel...

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Dec 02 2017

Begin Right Away, Use Your Willpower

This article was published on The Speaking Tree, here. So frequently in life we think,  ‘Just one more year’,  and then I will simplify my life,  minimising luxuries.  ‘Just one more year, ’ and I will dedicate more time to meditation,  seva and sadhana. ‘Just one more year, ’ and I will delve into the divine depths of spirituality…. We continue to put off valuable life-changes until ‘tomorrow, ’and unfortunately, ‘tomorrow’never comes. … We are deluded,  deceived and blinded by the power of maya. Thus,  we continue to find excuses for...

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Oct 18 2017

Diwali Blessings from Pujya Swamiji

In celebration of this joyous Diwali occasion, one can see beautifully lit oil lamps and candles glowing in the darkness of night throughout India and wherever Indians have settled in the world. We line our homes, our rooms, our offices and our streets with brightly shining diyas. However, on this day we must not only light beautiful lamps in our homes and offices, but we must light the lamp in our hearts. The Divine Light Within Within each of us shines the Divine Light. The Divine Presence is not only everywhere outside of...

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Sep 29 2017

Blessings on Dusshera

Dear Divine Souls, I hope that – by God’s grace – this finds you all in the best of health and happiness at this holy time of Dusshera.   We have just completed the sacred nine days and nights of Navratri, the worship of the Divine Mother.  The day after Navratri (frequently referred to as the 10th day of Navratri) is Dusshera, which commemo­rates the day on which Bhagwan Rama vanquished the 10-headed “Demon King” Ravana, thereby rescuing his wife Sitaji who had been kidnapped by this egoistic and passion-filled ruler of...

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Sep 22 2017

Navratri – Worship of the Mother Goddess

The festival of Navratri is a glorious time of the year, filled with joy, celebration, and also with great lessons for our lives. Navratri means “nine nights.” This festival occurs twice a year, at the change from winter to summer in the Spring, and again at the change from summer to winter in the Autumn. The Autumn festival is celebrated from the first day to the ninth day of the bright half of Ashvina/Aswayuja (September-October), while the Spring Festival is celebrated in Chaitra (April – May). The two Navratri celebrations are...

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Aug 13 2017

Janmashtami Blessings

Dear Divine Souls, I hope that – by God’s grace – this finds you and all your loved ones in the best of health and happiness at this holy time of Janmasthami. Krishna Janmasthami is the celebration of the day that Bhagwan Krishna incarnated in human form upon the Earth. It is celebrated at midnight on the eighth day of the dark fortnight in the month of Bhadrapada (August-September). The day is celebrated by worshipping Bhagwan Krishna, fasting and chanting devotional kirtan and bhajans until past midnight. The Bhagavad Gita says that whenever there...

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