Pujya Swamiji Explains The Meaning And Importance Of Fasting
It is always such an incredible honour and blessing to receive the teachings of Pujya Swamiji, especially when they concern our Indian Culture and Hindu Traditions. So, it was a truly auspicious occasion when He provided a meaningful perspective of the ritual of Fasting – a practice that is an important element of the Hindu and other worldwide faiths – during a recent online panel discussion organized by The World Federation of KSIMC.
Pujya Swamiji so beautifully shared, “Fasting is a way of sitting near to God. Through Fasting, our bodies physically become lighter. When we feel light, our concentration and receptivity increases, so that when we go to sit near God, we are focused, available, receptive and ready to receive God’s light. And, when we are in God’s light, we are connected with the Divine. Eat light, feel light, sit in the light and ultimately become One with the Light. It is in God’s divine light that one can begin to contemplate, introspect and go within.”
Watch and listen to the entire discourse for an even deeper understanding of the importance of Fasting for both our physical and spiritual health and well-being!