Pujya Swamiji Honoured at the Delhi Bangla Sahib Gurudwara
Pujya Swamiji recently visited and graced the Delhi Bangla Sahib Gurudwara where He was especially honoured and felicitated by President of the Bangla Sahib Gurudwara, Sardar Paramjit Singh Chandhokji, Sardar Kuldeep Singh Bhogalji, Bhaisahib Bhai Sahib Satpal Singh Khalsaji and many other prominent leaders of the Sikh leadership for sharing the beautiful vision and mission of making the upcoming 350th Prakash Parv, which is dedicated to respected and revered Sikh Guru Shri Guru Gobind Singhji, a clean and green festival.
Pujya Swamiji shared that the message of all of our respected Sikh Gurus have been one of preserving and protecting our environment. He said, “Today in Delhi you have the call and the urgent need to bring the message and teaching of our Gurus into action. In Delhi, the world is aware how poisonous and polluted the air is. Hence, let us pledge together to make the upcoming and highly anticipated 350th Prakash Parv, the Parv for Paryavaran (environment) and Pledge for Pradushan Mukti (freedom from pollution). The Sikh religion has always kept the aspects of cleaniness, sanitation and hygiene as vital and fundamental to reach the gateway of the Divine. It is time that these same principles and teachings be brought into our homes and our communities and the Sikh masters can lead the way.”
Pujya Swamiji’s visit is a precursor to a larger event and presence of the Global Interfaith WASH Alliance in the upcoming celebrations in Patna, Bihar. There are plans for a special “Green Message from Green Gurus,” a clean, green faith based procession and a Sarva Dharma Swachhta Sankalp that will take place in a series of events being planned from the 3-5th January, 2017.
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