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H.H. Pujya Swami Chidanand Saraswatiji | | Republic Day Environmental Parade
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Republic Day Environmental Parade

Jan 26 2013

Republic Day Environmental Parade

More than a thousand people – from across India and around the world – marched together to celebrate India’s Republic Day on January 26th on the banks of the Sangam, as part of an environmental parade to call for India’s independence from pollution and to pay homage to the war heroes, who have faithfully served India’s past.

Led by Puyja Swamiji, participants from of all castes, creeds and cultures came together to call for an Indian “Clean Revolution.” The parade-goers, hailing from more than 54 countries, as well as students from the Northeast states of India, waved their national flags, colorful banners, costumes and slogansigns calling for all to keep Mother India and Mother Ganga pollution-free.

Speaking at the event, Puyja Swami Chidanand Saraswati said that by gathering all together, we send a strong message to protect and restore Ganga, and that as we celebrate our freedom of sovereignty, we are not truly free until our country is liberated of pollution. We must continue to work and to strive for the freedom to live in a country blessed with clean air, water and land. Just as we fought long and hard for our rights and independence, we now must stand for Ganga’s rights.

The event also paid respect to the war heroes, who have protected the land, culture and people of India. In doing so, it sent a message of inspiration for all to serve in the footsteps of these martyrs and veterans in order to preserve our environment. Just as they dedicated themselves to India, we must now too dedicate ourselves to cleaning and restoring Mother Ganga, our National Heritage.

After the parade, a special Aarti ceremony was held at the Sangam.


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