The Paths of Passion & Compassion (Part 3)
Pujya Swamiji preaches you to have compassion. That will give a picture of how much you criticize and hate your self. Path of compassion starts with you and not others says Swamiji....
Pujya Swamiji preaches you to have compassion. That will give a picture of how much you criticize and hate your self. Path of compassion starts with you and not others says Swamiji....
The lecture continues with ways to be compassionate to yourself and others, using a very funny example!...
The lecture continues with ways to be compassionate to yourself and others, using a very funny example! Pujya Swamiji talks about extending compassion to animals and other living beings....
Once, Swami Rama gave a demonstration in front of a large class. He drew a horizontal line on the chalkboard and asked the class the following question: “Is there anyone in the room who can make this line appear shorter without erasing it?” The students thought and thought. They concluded that the only possible way to reduce the size of the line would be to erase part of it from either side. Thus, they told Swamiji, “No, there is no way to reduce the size of the line without erasing...