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H.H. Pujya Swami Chidanand Saraswatiji | | Mauni Amavasya Blessings
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Mauni Amavasya Blessings

Jan 21 2023

Mauni Amavasya Blessings

‘‘मौन’’ अन्तर्रात्मा की अभिव्यक्ति का सबसे श्रेष्ठ माध्यम है। मौन, असीम ऊर्जा का भंडार है और आंतरिक संवाद का सशक्त माध्यम भी है। मौनी अमावस्या अपने आराध्य के प्रति समर्पण, परिपक्वता और प्रतिबद्धता का संदेश देती है। आज का दिन हमें चिंतन की गहराई और अन्तर्मुखी होने का अवसर प्रदान करता है। आईये स्वयं को आत्मकेंद्रित करे ताकि सकारात्मक ऊर्जा का प्रवाह हमेशा बना रहे। भगवान शिव की आराधना का प्रतीक पुण्यदायिनी मौनी अमावस्या की शुभकामनायें।  “अमृतस्य पु़त्राः’’ अमृत मंथन से आत्ममंथन की यात्रा.

Pujya Swami Ji Maharaj offers his blessings to us on the auspicious occasion of Mauni Amavasya, which is a day we worship Lord Shiva and reflect on the powerful tool of maun (conscious silence). Maun is not just the silence of our speech but also the practice of withdrawal of our senses from the outter world into our inner world. Let us celebrate this occasion by taking some time even if it’s 20 mins, 2 hours or the whole day, however much you are able to commit to, to be truly silent, not just refraining from talking but also switching off from our mobile devices, not checking our social media pages, not even using hand signals and eye communication and actually try to retract our senses within. In the process if no other experience is felt at least we realise that the world has not collapsed and life continues to flow, in fact Pujya Swamiji encourages us to spend time in Nature on this auspicious day and witness how beautiful all of life actually is and how we are a part of this exquisite tapestry and that is the power that the practice of maun (silence) holds for all of us. Who knows maybe this practice might inspire you to make silence a regular part of your life just like Pujya Swamiji!

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