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H.H. Pujya Swami Chidanand Saraswatiji | | Pujya Swamiji recites the Navkar Mantra (Jain)
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Pujya Swamiji recites the Navkar Mantra (Jain)

Aug 28 2020

Pujya Swamiji recites the Navkar Mantra (Jain)

A festival of Forgiveness, Detachment & Ahimsa – Pavan Paryushan Parva is an 8-day spiritual celebration & observance of austere Jain principles and practices.

श्री पर्युषण माहा पर्व के आंठवे दिन – संवत्सरी के अवसर पर २४ वे तीर्थंकर श्री महावीर स्वामी भगवान् के समक्ष, मन वचन और काया से विश्व शांति की प्रार्थना करते है |
भावो की शुद्धी अहिंसा की शैली और राग द्वेष मिटाने का दूसरा नाम है पवन पर्युषण |

Marking the 8th day of the holy festival, in the benign presence of the 24th Tirthankara, Shri Mahavir Swami Bhagwan, Pujya Swami Chidanand Saraswati Ji sings the all powerful, Navkar Mantra and wishes everyone a blessed & peaceful Samvatsari – The Day of Kshamapana (Forgiveness)

May we all embark upon a journey of forgiveness, self-purification and upliftment.

Have a peaceful and blessed Samvatsari!

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