Pujya Swamiji’s Auspicious Words on Guru Purnima
Guru Purnima is celebrated at the holy time of year in which the monsoons come. The monsoon comes only once a year. The ground and soil are graced only one season a year with the divine flow of rain. However, the Guru is always with us. His grace is always showering upon us. There is only one monsoon season, but if we allow the Guru’s grace into our lives, then every season is the season of the Guru.
A guru is one who removes the darkness. He (or, she) is one whose mere presence emanates so much light, so much love and so much divinity that every darkness within us is alchemically changed into light. Their light can shine through and transform even the darkest darkness. Even the darkness of midnight would last but a second if the sun decided to rise 6 hours early. Similarly, no darkness can last in the Divine presence of a true guru.
On this auspicious occasion of Guru Purnima, Pujya Swamiji inspires us to look around at God’s natural creation and ask what we can learn from Mother Nature. Rather than look upon Her as a commodity to be used and abused, let us look upon Her as a Guru from whom we receive countless lessons and blessings.