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Blessings Tag

Oct 26 2019

Pujya Swamiji’s Message On Green Diwali

इस बार दिवाली हो निराली जो हरित हो,स्वच्छ हो,प्रदूषण से मुक्त हो और पर्यावरण से युक्त हो हरियाली है तो दिवाली हैं। आशा और विश्वास का,एकता एवं एकात्मता का, सदभाव एवं समरसता का दीप जलाये। एक दिया शहीदों के लिये नाम जलाये*और दीप जला के दे देशभक्ति का पैगाम देश को स्वच्छ,सुंदर और समृद्ध बनाये। यही तो है दिवाली, ऐसी हो दिवाली शुभदिवाली,शुद्धदिवाली...

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Oct 26 2019

Essence of Diwali: Be the Light of Hope

इस बार दिवाली हो निराली जो हरित हो,स्वच्छ हो,प्रदूषण से मुक्त हो और पर्यावरण से युक्त हो हरियाली है तो दिवाली हैं। आशा और विश्वास का,एकता एवं एकात्मता का, सदभाव एवं समरसता का दीप जलाये। एक दिया शहीदों के लिये नाम जलाये*और दीप जला के दे देशभक्ति का पैगाम देश को स्वच्छ,सुंदर और समृद्ध बनाये। यही तो है दिवाली, ऐसी हो दिवाली शुभदिवाली,शुद्धदिवाली Pujya Swami Chidanand Saraswatiji inspires us to celebrate Diwali by lighting a lamp of kindness, love and maitri in the lives and in the homes of others. He encourages us to celebrate Diwali in a...

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Oct 23 2019

“Hope and light are in your hands this Diwali: Spiritual Leader”, Eastern Eye

This article was originally published in Eastern Eye, here. The practice of gratitude, being grateful to the Divine for every minute and every moment, for every experience, for every breath, is a powerful tool to bring about deep joy, peace and light in our lives (Photo: STRDEL/AFP via Getty Images). By His Holiness Pujya Swami Chidanand Saraswati IT IS so beautiful to be celebrating this divine holiday of light together. Diwali is not only a holiday, but can also be truly a holy day if, in addition to lighting the lamps, if we can...

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Aug 22 2019

Krishna Janmasthami Blessings

Happy Krishna Janmashtami from the Parmarth family! Here are Swamiji’s beautiful words for this occasions: "Krishna Janmashtami is the celebration of the day that Bhagwan Krishna incarnated in human form upon the Earth. It is celebrated at midnight on the eighth day of the dark fortnight in the month of Bhadrapada (August-September). Today as people all over the world re-enact and celebrate his birth, let us also take this time to reflect and introspect upon how Lord Krishna can incarnate in our own lives. Let us reflect on how His divine light,...

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