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Environment & Living Green Tag

Nov 17 2019

“‘A Jornada Da Vida’: Conheça A Capital Mundial Da Ioga”, Fantástico (Brazil)

O Fantástico segue viagem pelo Ganges, o rio sagrado para os indianos. A próxima parada é Rishikesh, a cidade da ioga, uma prática que traz benefícios para o corpo e a mente. Os repórteres Sônia Bridi e Paulo Zero mostram ainda o esforço para limpar o Ganges – que é hoje um dos rios mais poluídos do mundo. E como uma maldição que recaiu sobre outro rio acabou sendo uma salvação. É o segundo episódio da incrível Jornada da Vida. This program was aired on Fantástico. [no_button size="" style="" text="Click here to watch...

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Nov 01 2019

Pledge for Our Planet

Pujya Swami Chidanand Saraswatiji leads a collective prayer & pledge to stay connected to Mother Earth and to serve in preserving and protecting Her during the sacred and divine Ganga Aarti at Parmarth Niketan Ashram, Rishikesh. ...

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Oct 29 2019

Pujya Swamiji Addresses Govardhan Puja Attendees

During the very special Goverdhan Puja ceremony at Parmarth Niketan Niketan recently, Pujya Swami Chidanand Saraswatiji - Munijii beautifully-shared how the holiday is a symbol of how Lord Krishna emphasized the importance of not only revering but protecting and preserving the natural creation. He shared, “Our mountains, our trees, our animals - all are part of divine creation.” Narrating the story associated with the celebrations He added, “When Lord Indra sent torrential rains to punish the people of Goverdhan for not worshipping Him, it was Lord Krishna and Mother Nature that protected...

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Oct 26 2019

Pujya Swamiji’s Message On Green Diwali

इस बार दिवाली हो निराली जो हरित हो,स्वच्छ हो,प्रदूषण से मुक्त हो और पर्यावरण से युक्त हो हरियाली है तो दिवाली हैं। आशा और विश्वास का,एकता एवं एकात्मता का, सदभाव एवं समरसता का दीप जलाये। एक दिया शहीदों के लिये नाम जलाये*और दीप जला के दे देशभक्ति का पैगाम देश को स्वच्छ,सुंदर और समृद्ध बनाये। यही तो है दिवाली, ऐसी हो दिवाली शुभदिवाली,शुद्धदिवाली...

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Oct 08 2019

Pujya Swamiji Speaks at India Today Safaigiri Awards

Pujya Swamiji provides insight into the need for a clean Maa Ganga and water conservation during a water panel at the India Today Aaj Tak Safaigiri Awards where He was recognized for His environmental activism and faith leadership through the Global Interfaith WASH Alliance. Pujya Swamiji and Sadhviji also received an award on behalf of Global Interfaith WASH Alliance for the Best Sanitation Institute from Safai Giri....

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Oct 05 2019

Pujya Swamiji Addresses Delegates at the World Parliament at MIT in Pune

Addressing the theme of “Science, Philosophy and Spirituality, Which is Best?” Pujya Swamiji brilliantly shared His inspirational message that we should “Live according to the Three Ts: Tongue Management, Time Management and Thought Management, and that is spirituality, and that is our culture. When we really learn and implement these three things, our lives become successful and we become assets to the world.” He also spoke of the “culture of oneness and togetherness and trusting each other, and that culture, nature and future are three very important...

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