Pujya Swamiji urges and reminds us during Ganga Aarti, 'There can be a PLAN A and PLAN B but there can not be a PLANET B.' He gives the example of Sao Paulo, Brazil and California having less than one year of fresh water left. He asks us, 'how many Californias and Sao Paolous will we create until we realize that we have to act now to preserve and save our water resources and our Earth.' He urges everyone to take the green pledge and plant at least one tree...
Pujya Swamiji talks about His concerns for the current state of the River Ganga. He shares several suggestions on how best to protect Her from pollution and encourages the people of Patna, Bihar to be the first to start a Jal Andolan (a revolution for Clean Water)....
Pujya Swamiji gives us solutions to clean up the River Ganga. He says our society will change only when we stop expecting things to happen for us but become the medium through which change happens. He emphasises that the key is to remember not what "for me" but what "through me"....
Pujya Swamiji talks about how He would like to hold a tree plantation programme in schools this monsoon. If every child plants one tree in his school, there will be enough trees for us to enjoy and enough fruits for the monkeys to enjoy....
Pujya Swamiji gives the Divine message of "Pitri Tarpan Aur Ped Arpan," sharing that, "Bharat toh Tarpan, Arpan Aur Samarpan Ki Sanskriti Hai." Then He called to everyone in Ganga Aarti last night to pledge,"Aab Neer Aur Pariyavaran Ko Arpan Kare Pitro Ko."...
Pujya Muniji and Sadhvi Bhagwatiji conduct the water blessing ceremony in presence of Saints and members of various faiths on the banks river Thames from the House of Parliament London ...
Dear Divine Souls, I hope that – by God’s grace – this finds you and all your loved ones in the best of health and happiness at this sacred time. The 18th of June marked Ganga Dussehra, the day we lovingly refer to as “Gangaji’s Birthday.” It is the day on which we commemorate the time when, answering the tapasya and incessant prayers of King Bhagirath, Ganga flowed down from the heavens to the Earth. Ganga did not flow down merely because She wanted to, but rather with a very specific purpose –...