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H.H. Pujya Swami Chidanand Saraswatiji | | Environment & Living Green
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Environment & Living Green Tag

Sep 28 2022

गंगा जी की स्वच्छता, अविरलता और निर्मलता हेतु स्वर्गाश्रम क्षेत्र में निकाली रैली

गंगा जी की स्वच्छता, अविरलता और निर्मलता हेतु स्वर्गाश्रम क्षेत्र में निकाली रैली भारत की अमूर्त और अजेय विरासतों व धरोहरों को संरक्षित रखना नितांत आवश्यक शहीद सरदार भगत सिंह जी की जयंती पर भावभीनी श्रद्धाजंलि बहादुरी और साहस के प्रतीक शहीद भगत सिंह जी स्वामी चिदानन्द सरस्वती ऋषिकेश, 28 सितम्बर। परमार्थ निकेतन के अध्यक्ष स्वामी चिदानन्द सरस्वती जी और श्री अजय भाई जी के पावन सान्निध्य में आज गंगा जी की स्वच्छता, अविरलता और निर्मलता हेतु स्वर्गाश्रम क्षेत्र में रैली निकाली गयी। परमार्थ गुरूकुल के ऋषिकुमारों और राष्ट्रीय बाल युवा संस्कार योजना के अन्र्तगत...

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Sep 09 2022

Himalaya Diwas Celebrations at Parmarth Niketan

HH Param Pujya Swamiji welcomes Hon'ble Chief Minister of Uttarakhand, Shri Pushkar Singh Dhamiji; Hon’ble Minister of Uttar Pradesh, Former Governor of Uttarakhand Smt Baby Rani Mauryaji, Hon’ble Minister of Uttarakhand Shri Subodh Uniyalji, HESCO Founder Dr. Anil Prakash Joshiji; Speaker of Uttarakhand Assembly, Smt Ritu Khanduriji, MLA Smt Renu Bishtji and Others. For Day-long Celebrations Also a Strategy Session to Address the Needs of the Region. Hon’ble Chief Minister of Uttarakhand leads a pledge to act and serve Himalayas as Hanumanji protecting it for future generations to come. He says that time has...

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Sep 09 2022

Himalaya Diwas Message

"The Himalayas," declares HH Param Pujya Swami Chidanand Saraswatiji on this Himalaya Diwas, "are the home of diverse flora and fauna, diverse culture and traditions. And amidst this diversity, the Himalayas teach us unity amidst diversity. For centuries, our Sages and Saints and Rishis have come to these sacred peaks and given us sacred mantras that inspire and encourage us to serve all of humanity. These mantras teach us to live in peace, and not in pieces, and to see all of humanity as one family. "If we are to save...

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Sep 09 2022

Protecting Our Glaciers: A Himalaya Diwas Sankalp

As we celebrate Himalaya Diwas today, we do so recognizing that these majestic peaks that have protected us and nurtured us for thousands of years are in grave danger from the relentless effects of man-made climate change. For millions of years, these sacred mountains have flourished, providing the planet and its inhabitants with literally everything that it needs to survive. And, in just a little over 100 years, humans have created an environment that threatens their very existence. But, it's not just the Himalayas. This is a global issue - one...

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Aug 29 2022

Ganesh Chaturthi Message

As we prepare to celebrate Shri Ganesh Chaturthi on Wednesday, HH Param Pujya Swami Chidanand Saraswatiji shared a beautiful message encouraging all devotees to adopt innovative traditions to celebrate our festivals. "Let us make our festivals the journey of a new creation. Let us celebrate them in creative ways, in new innovative ways so that our environment will be saved, our traditions will be saved, nature will be saved and our future generations will be saved." He reminded us that, in the past, the Ganesh murtis that we submerged after worship...

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Aug 20 2022

Message on Renewable Energy Day

On today's Renewable Energy Day, HH Param Pujya Swami Chidanand Saraswatiji articulated a message of using clean and pollution free sources of energy like solar, wind and hydroelectric power to help combat rising levels of air pollution and to reduce dependence on a diminishing reserve of fossil fuels. "At present," Pujya Swamiji stated, "the whole world is facing epic climate change, and it's vital that all nations move towards clean and green energy. We must create a pollution-free environment, and solar energy is the best resource for this. "Solar energy is the...

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Aug 17 2022

Pujya Swamiji’s Message on Glaciers

While on an environmental pilgrimage to Iceland and Greenland this week, HH Param Pujya Swami Chidanand Saraswatiji expressed grave concern over the melting glaciers of Iceland, saying that "the retreat of the glaciers is a threat to humanity. Standing on the banks of Mother Ganga, we believed that wherever there is a glacier there should also be a journey. This journey from Ganga to Glacier and from Gomukh to Greenland and Iceland is dedicated to water conservation." Pujya Swamiji said that "there is scarcity of water all over the world, and...

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Aug 06 2022

God Is In The Whole Universe

Param Pujya Swami ji gives a message to all of us and the young generation to make them aware of nature and environment, “God is in the whole universe, our nature is connected to God and we are all connected to nature. Let us all worship nature together, that is, we worship the Lord." Pujya Swami ji says that to connect with nature, let's plant trees to worship nature. परम पूज्य स्वामी जी का संदेश - सृष्टि के कण- कण में परमात्मा का वास है। प्रकृति परमात्मा का ही दिव्य स्वरूप...

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Jul 29 2022

Tree Plantation at Hindu Jain Temple in Pittsburgh, USA

World Nature Conservation Day was a powerful reminder about how important it is to conserve, preserve and protect our earthly home, and HH Param Pujya Swami Chidanand Saraswatiji and Pujya Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswatiji did just that with a beautiful tree plantation at the Hindu Jain Temple in the United States - a divine and historic facility that Pujya Swamiji founded over 40 years ago, creating the first mandir to house together the deities of the two faith traditions. Said Pujya Swamiji of the event, "Due to the unscientific development taking place...

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Jul 23 2022

Seva Celebrations: Go Dharmic’s Beautiful Birthday Gift to Param Pujya Swamiji!

परम पूज्य स्वामी चिदानंद सरस्वती जी (मुनिजी) के अवतरण दिवस पर कई प्रेरक शिक्षाएँ, संदेश और पर्यावरण से संबंधित उपहारों को बहुत ही खूबसूरती से प्रतिबिंबित किया। उन्होंने अपने विचारों को साझा करते हुए कहा कि अब हमें हमारी धरती को बचाने के लिये प्राचीन, सतत और सुरक्षित तरीकों को अपनाना होगा क्योंकि हमारी पृथ्वी का तापमान बढ़ रहा हैं तथा वैश्विक स्तर पर जल, वायु और मिटटी प्रदूषित होती जा रही है। अगर हमें मानवता को जीवित रखना है तो हमारी प्राचीन परंपराओं को स्वीकार करना होगा। आइए हम...

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