The Role of Meditation & Spirituality in Our Life: Protect, Protect & Protect (Part 3)
Pujya Swamiji shares his experience when he and his beloved Guruji use to go to Dal Lake and meditate on boat. ...
Pujya Swamiji shares his experience when he and his beloved Guruji use to go to Dal Lake and meditate on boat. ...
Pujya Swamiji enlightens us with an experience when Muniji went to an Ashram with his beloved Swamiji. When Swamiji thought that Muniji might be hungry, he offered him food. While walking on the road, a man came suddenly and touched Swamiji's feet and said, "Swamiji you have to eat now." When Swamiji said, "I can't eat now," he said, "Swamiji if you don't eat I will finish myself." ...
Pujya Swamiji explains us about when, why and how we should perform meditation. He also enlightens us about what is the role of the Mantra and Guru in our lives. ...
Pujya Swamiji shares one of his experiences when he was sitting with a holy man who touched his aagya chakra (forehead), and how because of that touch Swamiji went into trance. ...
When one of the disciples master is dead and she is restless, Pujya Swamiji tells her that masters are never dead as they are not a physical body, Swamiji also sheds some light on practicing bhramacharya not only in Ashram but also living in this world....
Pujya Swamiji talks about the importance of Guru Purnima....
Pujya Swamiji talks about the importance of Guru Purnima....
Pujya Swamiji talks about the importance of Guru Purnima....
Pujya Swamiji talks about the importance of Guru Purnima....
Bhagwati introduces Pujya Swamiji to the audience at Esalen, briefly detailing His amazing history and life mission....