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Guru Tag

Aug 26 2020

Guru’s Divine Presence

Parmarth Niketan · Guru's Divine Presence - Pujya Swamiji On the auspicious day of Gurupurnima (2019) Pujya Swami Chidanand Saraswatiji blessed and graced us with his personal experience of why a Guru was so important in His life. ...

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Jul 09 2020

Green Guru Purnima Message

Pujya Swamiji tells us, how by taking care of our environment - the nature surrounding us, the house we live in and the temple that is our body, we can lead meaningful, healthier and happier lives. This Guru Purnima, Pujya Swamiji plants a Tulsi sapling and asks everyone to plant at least 11 plants this monsoon. He says this would be the true Guru Dakshina. "पेड़ लगाए, प्राण बचाए। पृथ्वी भी बचेगी, आने वाली पीढ़ियाँ भी बचेगी।" "The magic is right within you. Together we can change, The faith and the face of this Earth."...

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Jul 06 2020

Guru Purnima at Parmarth

Guru Poojan, Darshan & Blessings with Pujya Swami Chidanand Saraswatiji & Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati Wishing everyone a very blessed and beautiful #GuruPurnima from Parmarth Niketan! We began this sacred day honouring the Guru Parampara with a special tribute to Pujya MM Swami Shukdevanandji Maharaj and with the divine Darshan of Pujya Swami Chidanand Saraswatiji. We then had a beautiful Guru Poojan, a discourse on the Light of the Guru by Pujya Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswatiji and bhakti-filled Guru bhajans and mantras by Pujya Sadhvi Abha Saraswatiji and Shri Dilip Chetrryji. "When the Masters...

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Jul 02 2020

Guru Purnima Blessings

Guru Purnima is the sacred time of the year in which we give thanks and offer our humble gratitude,love and devotion to our Gurus. What is a Guru? A Guru is one who removes our darkness. In Sanskrit, Gu means “darkness” and ru is”that which removes,” so a Guru is one who removes the darkness in our lives, who shines the light of Truth on the illusions in which we live which cause our agony, our pain, and our grudges. The Guru brings the light of true understanding through which...

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Aug 08 2019

Pujya Swamiji Remembers Rev Dada JP Vaswaniji

Today, Pujya Swami Chidanand Saraswatiji and the entire Parmarth Niketan family had the divine opportunity to remember Rev Dada JP Vaswaniji with a Moment of Calm in the lap of the Himalayas on the holy banks of Mother Ganga. On the anniversary of Dada's birth, we paused for 2 minutes, closed our eyes, cleared our heart, inhaled forgiveness and exhaled freedom and peace. We let go, and let grace flow! Although Dada’s beautiful, divine body is no longer with us, his teachings, message, love, service and blessings live on timelessly!...

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Jul 20 2019

Guru Purnima Retreat, Day 1, Session 1: The Power of the Guru

Join and enjoy #Satsang with Pujya Swami Chidanand Saraswatiji - Muniji and Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati at the #GuruPurnima retreat, being held at Dale Hollow Lake State Resort Park in the beautiful mountains of Kentucky in the United States. After a beautiful #meditation, Pujya Sadhviji discusses the wonder and power of the #Guru, the bringer of Light, who dispels the darkness of ignorance that keeps us from seeing our own #Divinity. #Grace ...

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Jul 19 2019

Guru Purnima: Call to Gurus to Remove the Darkness of Over Population, Pollution & Plastic (Hindi)

Pujya Swami Chidanand Saraswatiji speaks (in Hindi) to the Gurus, Spiritual Leaders & Teachers of the nation who guide their followers from darkness to light on the auspicious occasion of #GuruPurnima about coming together to lead the planet from the darkness of pollution, over population and plastic. He says it is this darkness that is making it difficult for our sacred Rivers, oceans, our Earth and all of Mother Nature to survive and thereby thrive. He says that if we work together with the power of our Gurus we will...

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