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Relationships Tag

Jan 27 2022

How to Maintain Good Relations in Life?

Just like Ganga has no meaning without water similarly life has got no meaning without relations. Relations are indeed important in life but there should be life in relations. When people in relationships understand each other, they truly experience peace in the process and that’s what helps relations grow to the fullest and peace is manifested. Choice is ours whether we want to live in peace or in pieces. Watch Pujya Swamiji's video to understand how to make relations bloom....

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Dec 08 2021

Fathers are God’s Gift to Children

In this extraordinary video, Pujya Swamiji simply and eloquently explains the role of parents as those that gives the unconditional love to their children that's necessary for them to blossom to their fullest capacity and reach new heights in life. Fathers are God's gift to children, and children turn to their fathers for guidance in times of doubts and to seek answers to the most important questions of life....

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Dec 03 2021

Love Purifies the Heart

So many of the problems that we face in the world are the result of the constant judging and condemning of others. This judgement and condemnation wastes our precious time, creates boundaries and barriers between us, steals our peace and, most tragically, pollutes our own hearts, In this beautiful Divine Satsang, Pujya Swamiji shares so simply and profoundly that devotion and unconditional love is the best way to purify our hearts and thereby experience the true nature of our souls as well as to be one with the Divine. ...

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Nov 06 2021

Pujya Swamiji’s Message on the Auspicious Occasion of Bhai Dooj

On the fifth day of Diwali, we celebrated the auspicious occasion of Bhai Dooj. Bhai Dooj, is a festival of love and bonding and upholds the beautiful and unique relationship between brothers and sisters. Pujya Swamiji shares, "भाई के प्रति बहन के प्रेम और समर्पण का प्रतीक है भाई दूज आज दोनों मिलकर एक पौधा लगाएं इससे प्रेम भी बढ़ेगा और पर्यावरण भी बचेगा". This year let all of us celebrate the auspicious occasion by strengthening our family ties with love and affection and our bonding with nature by planting...

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Oct 27 2021

Heart Of Compassion

Parmarth Niketan · Heart Of Compassion- Pujya Swamiji "Passion is great," declares Pujya Swamiji, "but its greatness depends on the focus of our passion. But, passion converted to compassion is always great." A heart of compassion is a heart of love, generosity, and forgiveness that creates true happiness for us. And we get such a heart through a regular spiritual practice! As the Dalai Lama once shared with Him, "It is only compassion that can make us and others happy"....

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Oct 22 2021

Heart of Compassion

"Passion is great," declares Pujya Swamiji, "but its greatness depends on the focus of our passion. But, passion converted to compassion is always great." A heart of compassion is a heart of love, generosity, and forgiveness that creates true happiness for us. And we get such a heart through a regular spiritual practice! As the Dalai Lama once shared with Him, "It is only compassion that can make us and others happy"....

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Sep 22 2021

Pujya Swamiji’s message on Pitra Paksha

Pujya Swamiji so beautifully shares Pitra Paksha itself is very important which is performed on the Banks of the river and at the Holy place for the peace of the souls of the departed ancestors. He also shares - It is very important for our younger generation to understand the spiritual and scientific aspect of Indian tradition beliefs and develop an advanced culture and civilization associated with its values. At present, the new generation is also associated with traditional beliefs for the sustainable survival and development of future generations so that...

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Sep 08 2021

The Art of not Comparing

We constantly judge ourselves and our own worth. Always on a constant quest to compare ourselves with others. Instead of comparing ourselves, let's appreciate what we have. Let's find value in ourselves, in the qualities of our nature and in the service that we offer. Pujya Swamiji offers examples from nature to help instill in us the confidence we need to stop comparisons and to achieve peace of mind!...

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Sep 04 2021

Pujya Swamiji’s message on Managing Anger

“मेरे सिवा नज़र ना आये कोई दोज़ख नहीं , किसी का जुर्म हो मालिक मुझे सज़ा देना” Anger is the harshest and most destructive emotion. If you return anger with anger, you end up in a situation that only gets worse. The consequences of anger are never good. As Pujya Swamiji so beautifully explains: “Anger always begets anger.” “When we express our anger,” He says, “we are in trouble. When we suppress our anger we are in trouble. The only way to deal with anger is to forgive the other. Forgiving...

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Aug 05 2021

Pujya Swamiji,s Inspiring Message On Respect Our Parents

Pujya Swamiji calls on us to respect our parents! In an inspiring message, He beautifully shares that we should give respect to our mother and our Mother Earth - and the way to do that, He says, "is to make Her pollution free by avoiding single use plastic, and planting more and more trees!" Pujya Swamiji also shares that - to honour our parents - there should be no old-age homes in our country. "The care of our family should be in the hands of the family!" He...

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