At this divine time of Diwali we line our homes, our rooms, our offices and our streets with brightly shining dias. The brightly lit lamps signify the people of Ayodhya’s love for Bhagwan Rama and their joy at his return. On this day, we must light not only beautiful lamps in our homes, but we must light the lamp in our hearts. The significance and symbolism of the Diwali lamps is that we must allow the Light of the Divine to burn away all our impurities so that our hearts...
Pujya Swamiji quotes that all around the world people who pray together they stay together & also tells us the secret of how we can love others, help others and become a better person and not a bitter person....
The lecture continues with ways to be compassionate to yourself and others, using a very funny example! Pujya Swamiji talks about extending compassion to animals and other living beings....