Yoga in the Bhagavad Gita (Part 5)
Pujya Swamiji says Thy will be done is Bhagwat Gita. Pujya Swamiji says check your value and check yourself; dont check on others, it will change your life....
Pujya Swamiji says Thy will be done is Bhagwat Gita. Pujya Swamiji says check your value and check yourself; dont check on others, it will change your life....
Pujya Swamiji teaches how to start thinking about yourself. Dharma doesnt tell you to give anything away; it tells you to live a beautiful life but share with others. Greed is hazardous, dont be greedy be ready to share....
Pujya Swamiji says, a true Yogi does not say WHY ME but says TRY ME. A true Yogi is Eveready for any test without cribbing or complaining about anything. Smiling and giving someone a smile is life and that can only happen when one is selfless....
Experience is when you live that life. Calm your pose and dont pose your calm says Swamiji. When you calm your pose you are satisfied and your life becomes wonderful....
Pujya Swamiji enlightens on how Valmiki Ramayana happened. Surrender is the key and today is the day we surrender to our guru, says Swamiji....
Pujya Swamiji tells why we all in life need a guru. He says when we learn to drive a car we go to a training centre, wherein someone teaches us how to drive. Same way in driving our life, we need some one who teaches and preaches us the art of living....
Pujya Swaniji says, in the scripture great importance has been given to the role of Guru. Kabirdas ji says guru govind dono khade kake laagu paaye balihaari guru aapne jind govind diyo dikhaaye....
Pujya Swamiji shares his childhood experience about chanting mantra, that whenever his lips were not synching or werent moving chanting the mantra, he got slapped. Even whenever he tried to convince his guru saying that the mantra is going inside him i.e. he is chanting the mantra in his mind, he again got slapped. Swamiji says, thanks to all those slaps he got shaped and is what he is today. They were not slaps, they were Sadhnas....
The sanskaras you want to give to your children is in your hand says Swamiji. Pujya Swamiji talks about the Gurukul system in his early days and compares it to todays dorms....
Pujya Swamiji says how being in Mansarovar all thirst is quenched. Swamiji invites all his devotees to Himalaya near the banks of river Ganga....