Dear Divine Souls, I hope that – by God’s grace – this finds you and all your loved ones in the best of health and happiness at this beautiful time of Hanuman Jayanti, the birthday of Lord Shri Hanuman. The celebration of Hanuman Jayanti is a celebration of devotion, a celebration of sacrifice, a celebration of surrender. The day commemorates the life of Sri Hanuman, a divine incarnation who embodies the perfect devotee. Hanumanji was the son of the God of wind. History of Sri Hanuman and Hanuman Jayanti In the Heavenly, Divine Realms,...
As people around the world celebrate Valentine’s Day this week with gifts of chocolate and roses, as symbols of their love and devotion, it is the perfect time to renew our commitment to our Mother Ganga. Children all over the world will make Valentine’s Day cards for their mothers. Here in India, every day, not only February 14, should be an opportunity to show love and devotion to our Mother Ganga. Standing on the banks of the Ganga at this year’s Kumbh Mela, my heart is filled with gratitude to a...
On Valentine's Day, Ganga Action Parivar organized a rally to make Mother Ganga our "green" Valentine, not only on Valentine's Day itself but everyday! People from over 45 countries at the Sangam ghat to sing and dance in celebration of their love for Mother Ganga, and to stress the importance of protecting and preserving her waters....
Every day people come to me with problems for which they would like guidance. While the details vary from person to person and situation to situation, there are common themes that run through much of what ails us. The deeper questions, the questions beneath the questions are always the same: how can I be happy? How can I have meaningful relationships with others? There are so many deeply important principles to live by, so many lessons to be learned in this life on Earth. Below of just a few of...