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Holidays Tag

Jul 26 2022

Shravan Shivratri Blessings

On this Shravan Shivratri, HH Param Pujya Swami Chidanand Saraswatiji - Muniji reminds us that "Lord Shiva is wonderful, indestructible and omnipresent. Shiva leads human beings from darkness to light through true knowledge," and leads us in a beautiful mantra to Mahadev: हे पार्वतीवल्लभ महादेव! हे चन्द्रशेखर! हे महेश्वर! हे त्रिशूलिन्! हे जटाजूटधारिन्! हे विश्वरूप! एकमात्र आप ही जगत्‌में व्यापक हैं। हे पूर्णरूप प्रभो! प्रसन्न होइये, प्रसन्न होइये। ॐ नमः शिवाय भगवान शिव अद्भुत, अविनाशी व सर्व व्यापक हैं। शिव मानव मात्र को सत्य ज्ञान द्वारा अन्धकार से प्रकाश की ओर ले...

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Jul 25 2022

HH Param Pujya Swamiji Performs a Divine Rudrabhishek for Shravan Shivratri

Join us, as HH Param Pujya Swami Chidanand Saraswatiji performs a divine Rudrabhishek in honour of tomorrow's Shravan Shivratri holy day. Shivratri - the Night of Lord Shiva - is a sacred and beloved holy day each month in the Hindu calendar. But, Shivratri in the month of Shiva, Shravan, becomes an especially powerful and auspicious occasion, when the awakening of the inner spirit and the destruction of all evil in the Self is an even greater event of realization and awakening. Performing Rudrabhishek in the month of...

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May 16 2022

Buddha Purnima Blessings

"Be calm and move on," encourages HH Param Pujya Swami Chidanand Saraswatiji - Muniji. "Do not react. This is the Buddha’s message. के पावन अवसर वैश्विक परिवार को संदेश: बुद्ध बने, शुद्ध बने। व्यक्ति का चित्त जब शांत और स्थिर होता है तब उसे सत्य का दर्शन होता है। बुद्धं शरणं गच्छामि। धम्मं शरणं गच्छामि। संघं शरणं गच्छामि। सत्यं शरणं गच्छामि। "The Buddha represents fullness. He was born on a full moon. He attained enlightenment on a full moon. He departed his body on a full moon. When we are full inside, then nothing outside can affect...

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May 05 2022

Happy Shankaracharya Jayanti!

"Shankaracharya Jayanti," shares HH Param Pujya Swami Chidanand Saraswatiji - Muniji, "is a holiday that teaches us about Oneness. Not one God, but nothing but God. Shankaracharya so beautifully said, 'He who knows Brahman as one, and himself as another, doesn’t know Brahman.' Meaning, if you think of God as separate from yourself, you don’t know God. It’s that teaching that ALL is God, and everything in the world is Self. So, take care of the Earth, take care of each other, because it isn’t each other – it’s Self....

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Apr 10 2022

Ram Navami Blessings

"Ram Navami is the birthday of Bhagwan Shri Rama," shares HH Param Pujya Swami Chidanand Saraswatiji - Muniji. "On this beautiful birthday of Bhagwan Rama, let us ask ourselves the meaning of his birth. What lessons do we learn from the Ramayan, from the glorious example of Bhagwan Rama’s life? श्रद्धा, शौर्य और आस्था का महासंगम राम नवमी पर्व की देशवासियों को शुभकामनायें! भगवान श्री राम जी के प्राकट्य दिवस के अवसर पर परम पूज्य स्वामी चिदानंद सरस्वती जी महाराज का संदेश - भगवान श्रीराम एक आदर्श चरित्र है। उन्होंने पद-प्रतिष्ठा...

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Apr 02 2022

Happy Chaitra Navratri!

Happy Nav Samvatsar! Happy Chaitra Navratri! On this most auspicious first day of our Hindu New Year - the first day of Navratri - HH Pujya Swami Chidanand Saraswatiji - Muniji so beautifully shares, “Let us begin this New year with new zeal, new enthusiasm, new vigor, new flow and new wave! I wish all of our family a Happy New Year 2079! We wish everyone so much love and the best of health as we emerge into the light of a new tomorrow. "As we spend this time fasting and in prayer...

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Jan 01 2022

Pujya Swamiji’s Warm Words of Love this New Year

नववर्ष की शुभकामनाएँ। नया वर्ष, नया हर्ष, नया उत्कर्ष आशा और विश्वास का वर्ष हो। ये नया वर्ष सभी के जीवन में बहुत सारी खुशियां, समृद्धि और उत्तम स्वास्थ्य लेकर आये ऐसी प्रभु से प्रार्थना है। On the special occasion of the New Year, Pujya Swamiji, HH Pujya Swami Chidanand Saraswatiji - Muniji's warm words of love, support and encouragement. Pujya Swamiji so beautifully shared the importance of having a positive attitude in life. Watch and listen to Pujya Swamiji's divine voice of wisdom and use His eloquent words as a roadmap to...

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Dec 25 2021

Seasons Greetings from Pujya Swamiji & Parmarth

The beautiful magic of Christmas is for all, regardless of our faith traditions or our culture, because it teaches us the message of love, togetherness, oneness, miracles and the presence of God. Let us pledge to make our holidays holy days by giving more than we get, and by remembering to share more and care more with those in need! From our Parmarth Parivar to your beautiful families, we wish you the peace, love and joy of the season, and look forward to welcoming you Home in 2022! ...

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Dec 14 2021

Blessings of Pujya Swamiji On the auspicious occasion of Geeta Jayanti

On the auspicious occasion of Geeta Jayanti Pujya Swamiji shares the significance and importance of the Bhagavad Gita in His life. Srimad Bhagavad Gita contains spiritual, philosophical, and psychological teachings, and Gita Jayanti commemorates the sacred day when Lord Krishna imparted these teachings to Pandava Prince Arjuna at the start of the Battle of Kurukshetra. Pujya Swamiji so beautifully shares that Srimad Bhagavad Gita is our guide like a great guru. Gita ji solves every calamity in our lives like a mother. Geeta ji is a true friend whose teachings are...

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Nov 12 2021

Beautiful Bhajan Sandhya with Pujya Swamiji and wonderful brothers and sisters from Gujarat

Watch, listen to and enjoy this beautiful Bhajan Sandhya with Param Pujya Swami Chidanand Saraswatiji and our wonderful brothers and sisters from Gujarat! Pujya Swamiji offers His love and blessings, and shares inspiring messages about life and living in celebration of the Gujarati New Year! A truly memorable and divine experience!...

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