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Navigating Through Life Tag

Nov 30 2016

Being A Yogi

Swami Chidanand Saraswati ji describes what a Yogi means, and how to live a Yogic life. Being a yogi does not mean to practice Yoga only on the mat. Swamiji explains that yoga is lived in every moment, by accepting all situations and conditions we are put through in our lives....

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Nov 26 2016

When Egos Clash

This article was published on The Speaking Tree, here. A complaint I often hear is, “We always fight over little things. Everything is an argument.” This is a matter of ego. Somewhere along the way, both husband and wife have decided that they know best and that they will have it “my way.” This gets nobody anywhere. Our own ego thinks that we are always right, that everyone around us should do things the way we say. Couples often begin to quarrel over trivial issues, which then escalates into a full-blown...

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Oct 29 2016

Blessings on Diwali

May this New Year Be Clean, Green & Serene Dear Divine Souls, I hope that — by God’s divine grace — this finds you all in the best of health and happiness at this sacred and auspicious time of Diwali, the Festival of Light. Diwali is a holiday of joy; it is the time when we gather with loved ones, celebrating our family, our friends and the prosperity that the light of God has bestowed upon us. And yet, this precious time of Diwali offers us so much more than the lamps, parties...

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Sep 29 2016

How to Live Life Consciously at Golden Bridge in Santa Monica (Part 2)

Pujya Swamiji and Sadhviji discuss how to live life in a more conscious way. When we live consciously, we then live mindfully. In that mindful living, there is no fear. In this world of ours a lot of things are going on, but we should not forget that spirituality is not only here for practices such as meditation, it is also to provide us with inner peace and we all have it in us. That peace is so important because if we are in peace, then we will manifest peace...

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Sep 29 2016

How to Live Life Consciously at Golden Bridge in Santa Monica (Part 1)

Pujya Swamiji and Sadhviji advise us how to live in the truth of who we are. In Indian culture they say that the core of who you are is pure, perfect and divine. Yet most of us don’t live like, we suffer. This is due to the ignorance- that is due to forgetting who we are and our identification with the body. Pujya Swamiji also reminds us of how we as individuals, by the power of our thoughts and mantras, can make a difference in the world. Remember you spread...

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Sep 06 2016

Having More and Being More

Pujya Swamiji teaches us about how we can be more than the baggage we hold in our lives. He says that people might buy material goods aiming to have more to fill the emptiness in their lives, but that never works. Having more isn't necessarily bad, but he encourages us to enjoy life. He encourages us to please God by realizing that it’s not you, but others who should be served. He also encourages us not to fall victim to desires that we lose peace and happiness. The truth of...

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Sep 04 2016

Staying Calm Amidst the Chaos/How to Live in Peace at Golden Bridge Yoga in New York, USA

Starting with a wonderful kirtan led by Shivali, prayers stunningly sung by Pujya Swamiji and a beautiful meditation led by Sadhvi Bhagawatji, they then lead a divine satsang at Golden Bridge Yoga in New York, USA. They discuss topics such as staying calm amidst the chaos, how to live in peace and with happiness, bringing love into our lives and the benefits of meditation....

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Sep 02 2016

Experiencing Our True Self / Maintaining Connection to the Divine / Pujya Swamiji’s Name

At their beautiful retreat in Dorset, England in July 2016, Pujya Swamiji & Sadhviji discusses how to experience the true self & the importance of it. Sadhviji also advises on how to maintain our connection to the Divine even when we are in our less spiritual, busy worlds outside of retreats and ashrams and away from our Guru. We end with Pujya Swamiji explaining his name and the meaning of it....

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