Parmarth Niketan was featured on the Travel Channel's show "Soul Seeker" in an episode focusing on ashrams and aarti ceremonies....
Dear Divine Souls, Today is the sacred and beautiful day of Holi, a day celebrated across India with great joy, gaiety and festivity. There are many meanings and much significance attached to this day. For some, it is the festival of Springtime, the heralding of warm weather and bidding farewell to the winter. It is also seen as a festival of love, the return of fertility. The Puranas describe Holi as a celebration of virtue over vice. It is a time when we rejoice in the victory of pure, divine Prahlaad...
In celebration of this joyous Diwali occasion, one can see beautifully lit oil lamps and candles glowing in the darkness of night throughout India and wherever Indians have settled in the world. We line our homes, our rooms, our offices and our streets with brightly shining diyas. However, on this day we must not only light beautiful lamps in our homes and offices, but we must light the lamp in our hearts. The Divine Light Within Within each of us shines the Divine Light. The Divine Presence is not only everywhere outside of...
Swamiji talkes on the topic of living is giving. Interview by Laurie Levine and Maria DeMasi. This was originally filmed as a tv pilot in 2010....
Every day people come to me with problems for which they would like guidance. While the details vary from person to person and situation to situation, there are common themes that run through much of what ails us. The deeper questions, the questions beneath the questions are always the same: how can I be happy? How can I have meaningful relationships with others? There are so many deeply important principles to live by, so many lessons to be learned in this life on Earth. Below of just a few of...