Esalen (Part 4)
Pujya Swamiji speaks of His early childhood and His early visit to Dal Lake in Kashmir, and about the importance of place. He also speaks about how we are different from animals....
Pujya Swamiji speaks of His early childhood and His early visit to Dal Lake in Kashmir, and about the importance of place. He also speaks about how we are different from animals....
There is a wonderful story told of two monks who had renounced the world and taken vows of celibacy and simplicity and pledged to live, unattached, in the jungles for the rest of their lives. One monk was older and the other was relatively young. They were wandering in the forest one day and they came upon a rushing river. On the edge of the river stood a beautiful and stranded young woman. Her face was marked by anxiety as she explained to the two monks that she needed to...
Part three of the lecture: Pujya Swamiji gives this lecture after visiting a Bangalore prison. He talks about how we are imprisoned by our anger and our desires, and how we can become free. There is a funny segment about Thanksgiving where Pujya Swamiji sympathizes with the "poor turkeys." A wonderful lecture, full of love and wisdom....
Part three of the lecture: Pujya Swamiji gives this lecture after visiting a Bangalore prison. He talks about how we are imprisoned by our anger and our desires, and how we can become free. There is a funny segment about Thanksgiving where Pujya Swamiji sympathizes with the "poor turkeys." A wonderful lecture, full of love and wisdom....
Part three of the lecture: Pujya Swamiji gives this lecture after visiting a Bangalore prison. He talks about how we are imprisoned by our anger and our desires, and how we can become free. There is a funny segment about Thanksgiving where Pujya Swamiji sympathizes with the "poor turkeys." A wonderful lecture, full of love and wisdom....
These days in the West all the new cars have “GPS” navigation system where the computer in the car gives directions on how to reach your destination. As you sit in the car you just enter the address of where you are going, and throughout the journey a pleasant woman’s voice guides you: “Take a left turn in 200 meters.” However, after you’ve entered the destination address, before her guided instructions begin, you must press the “Accept” button on the screen. If the button is not pushed, the guided route will not begin and you...
Ram Navami is the birthday of Bhagwan Shri Rama. On this beautiful birthday of Bhagwan Rama, let us ask ourselves the meaning of his birth. What lessons do we learn from the Ramayan, from the glorious example of Bhagwan Rama’s life? Bhagwan Rama exemplified the perfect person; he showed us how to embody the divine on Earth, how to live our lives in accordance with dharma and the divine principles. The story of the Ramayan is a classic, eternal, universal message of dharma versus adharma, of deva versus demon. Ravana was a brahmin;...
Recently a man came to see me at Parmarth. He was an earnest seeker from abroad and was looking for a place to stay for several months to perform his meditation. He had a meditation technique which he said worked very well for him but he needed a place to practice it. He was from abroad and planned to stay in India for many months. I told him that he was welcome to stay here as I appreciated the earnestness of his spiritual quest. However, as I was just about...
There was once a disciple of a Guru who went to his Guru and said, “Guruji, I want to live a spiritual life. I want to live in the service of God. I want to go beyond the binding chains of this mundane, materialistic world. But, I feel that I am not quite ready. My desires for a family, for wealth and enjoyment are still too strong. Grant me some time to fulfill these wishes and then I will come to your holy feet.” So the Guru said, “No problem, my...
Dear Divine Souls, I hope that — by God’s grace — this finds you and all your loved ones in the best of health and happiness. We are now at the divine and glorious time of celebrating Krishna Janmasthami.This is the celebration of the day that Bhagwan Krishna incarnated in human form upon the Earth. The day is celebrated by worshipping Bhagwan Krishna, fasting and chanting devotional kirtan and bhajans until past midnight. The Gita says that whenever there is darkness in the world, whenever strife and ignorance prevail, the Lord incarnates...