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Navigating Through Life Tag

Apr 05 2019

Golden Rule Day Blessings

Today is Golden Rule Day. Let's make every day a day to follow the Golden Rule for our lives. Thanks to #UnitedReligionsInitiative and #CharterForCompassion for organizing the celebration of this day....

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Mar 20 2019

The Meaning of Holika

During a special evening campfire HH Pujya Swami Chidanand Saraswatiji shares the special significance of the Holi festivities, “There are two different meanings of the word Holi if we look at it purely semantically: First, “Holi” means that which has happened, “Jo hogaya, holi,” has passed. So Holi is a time to acknowledge what has happened and then to move on, allowing us to be free from the chains of the past to move into the present. Another meaning is the past has happened (Ho) and now we take (Li)...

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Feb 05 2019

कुंभ में साकार होता है वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम

ऋषि - मुनियों की शरण में आ रही है दुनिया | About Channel: News18 UP Uttarakhand is one of India's leading Hindi channels and can be watched live on YouTube. News18 UP news channel is a part of Network 18. Topics such as politics, education, health, environment, economy, business, sports, and entertainment are covered by this channel. The channel gives nationwide coverage. भारत का एक लोकप्रिय हिंदी न्यूज़ चैनल है. यह चैनल नेटवर्क १८ का हिस्सा है। यह चैनल उत्तरप्रदेश एवं उत्तराखंड के क्षेत्रीय खबरों के साथ साथ सरकार, राजनीति, पर्यावरण , खेल-कूद...

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Jan 21 2019

स्वामी चिदानन्द सरस्वती जी एवं साध्वी भगवती जी से जानिए कुम्भ की महिमा || संतों के संग

कुम्भ पर विशेष कार्यक्रम संतो के संग में आज देखिए . . . पूज्य स्वामी चिदानन्द सरस्वती एवं पूज्या साध्वी भगवती जी से जानिए कुम्भ की महिमा के बारे में || सीधी वार्तालाप ||...

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Oct 26 2018

“Desires that impel us to remain unsatisfied”, The Times of India

This article was published in The Times of India, here. By Swami Chidanand Saraswati Many years ago, before the severe violence in Jammu & Kashmir, we travelled to Kashmir to spend a few days meditating on the Dal Lake. All the members of our group enjoyed themselves so much that we delayed our departure date and remained there for one month instead of a few days as was planned earlier. Each week we would postpone our departure from that heavenly, pristine, glorious environment. “Just one more week,” the devotees would cry, so...

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Sep 14 2018

Unconditional Forgiveness Is The Answer

This article was published in The Speaking Tree, here. Forgiveness means that we must release the pain, anger, and grudges that suffocate us, wrenching out our life force.  Forgiveness allows us to breathe, live, and love freely. When someone hurts us – knowingly or unknowingly, purposely or accidentally – we have three ways of dealing with that hurt. Expression: We can express our anger, hurt and pain if we can do so calmly, articulately, peacefully, and in a productive way.  But, typically, the expression of anger quickly degenerates into shouting, tantrums, and revenge. ...

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Sep 05 2018

Teacher’s Day Blessing and Message

On Teachers' Day, Pujya Swami Chidanand Saraswatiji shares His divine blessings and wishes to all #teachers and #students. He also emphasizes the qualities of a true teacher, one who teaches us not only how to earn a livelihood but to also how to live. He shares that a teacher is one that gives us speed as well as direction, one who in the age of internet tells us to never forget our inner net, reminding us to stay connected to our values and ethics.   पूज्य स्वामी चिदानन्द सरस्वती जी महाराज, "शिक्षक वही जो केवल शिक्षा नहीं...

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Aug 29 2018

Pujya Swamiji Speaks on Achieving Excellence at Times of India Group Retreat in Goa

A short glimpse of Pujya Swamiji’s inspiring speech at #TimesofIndia Group Retreat in Goa recently in which he speaks about Achieving Excellence by sharing, “We may become successful but until and unless we have self-management we will never be peaceful. It may feel great to manage others but the most important thing is to manage yourself, check your balance sheet every day...

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