Peace through Non Violence
Pujya Swamiji gives beautiful blessings on the meaning of peace, the meaning of nonviolence and how to unearth these qualities in our lives and in the world around us...
Pujya Swamiji gives beautiful blessings on the meaning of peace, the meaning of nonviolence and how to unearth these qualities in our lives and in the world around us...
The Hindu festival of Kumbh Mela is one of the largest religious gatherings in the world. At the center of it is the sadhu, a holy man who is smeared in ashes and sometimes naked. [no_button size="" style="" text="Click here to watch online!" icon_pack="font_awesome" fa_icon="" icon_position="right" icon_color="" icon_background_color="" icon_background_hover_color="" link="" target="_blank" color="#ffffff" hover_color="#ffffff" background_color="#89743b" hover_background_color="#89743b" border_color="" hover_border_color="" border_width="" font_size="" font_style="normal" font_weight="" margin="" padding="10px" border_radius=""]...
Swamiji talkes on the topic of living is giving. Interview by Laurie Levine and Maria DeMasi. This was originally filmed as a tv pilot in 2010....
On Ram Navami we celebrate the divine time when Bhagwan Vishnu manifested on Earth in the form of Bhagwan Rama. The Ramayana gives us the message of Bhagwan Rama’s life and teachings. The word “Rama” literally means one who is divinely blissful and who gives joy to others, and one in whom the sages rejoice. It is said that the repetition of his name (Rama Nama) is the surest, fastest and easiest way to attain purity, peace, wisdom, understanding, joy, prosperity and ultimately liberation. Bhagwan Rama Himself said, “Repetition of My name...