Pujya Swamiji’s Auspicious words on Festival Harela (Day of Green)
The message and blessings of HH Pujya Swami Chidanand Saraswatiji – Muniji on the festive occasion of Harela are filled with inspiration and motivation, as He so beaufifully urges us to take a pledge to plant more and more trees, and to take care of the ones that are already growing.
Since Harela is the Day of Green, it makes a “save the environment” slogan an even more poignant appeal, particularly as this start of the monsoon season is the perfect time to plant trees! “We should celebrate all of our fesitvals,” Pujya Swamiji declares, “all of our special days and holy days with tree plantations. Inspire our children to plant trees. Make our country a green country. It is the need of the hour!”