The Hon’ble Governor of Uttarakhand, Dr Krishna Kant Paulji was welcomed to Parmarth Niketan (Rishikesh) for the valedictory session of the Summit, in which he was joined on stage by the Global Interfaith WASH Alliance delegation led by Pujya Swami Chidanand Saraswatiji, Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati, consisting of Acharya Roopchandra Muniji, from Jain faith, Jathedar Patna Saheb Giani Iqbal Singhji, Kiranjot Kaur, from Sikh faith, Mufti Nasihur Rahman Qasimiji, from Muslim faith and many others in an inspiring concluding ceremony. Said Dr KK Paulji, “the efforts being made by Parmarth Niketan for...
The second day of the “You are the Solution Summit of Leaders,” organised by the The Global Interfaith WASH Alliance, continued in the International Conference Hall near the World Toilet College at Parmarth Niketan (Rishikesh). Speakers from the government, corporate, media and civil society shared their success stories on how they have been agents of change in reviving, restoring and cleaning their local water bodies. Global Interfaith WASH Alliance’s (GIWA) interfaith delegation shared their commitments and suggestions with Hon’ble Minister of Drinking Water & Sanitation, Shri Prakash Pantji, Government of Uttarakhand...
Eminent faith leaders, captains of industry, entertainment stars, development experts, media luminaries, and representatives from global bodies including the United Nations assembled at Parmarth Niketan for a historic two-day summit to help ensure a Swachh and Water-Secure future for India. With the technical support of UNICEF and in association with other partners, the two-day You Are the Solution Summit of Leaders was organised by the Global Interfaith WASH Alliance (GIWA). GIWA is the world’s first initiative that is engaging the planet’s many faiths as allies in efforts to create a world...
Pujya Swamiji’s Green Birthday celebrations started with sacred Vedic chanting filling the morning air as the Ekdasa Rudra Homa was performed on the holy banks of Mother Ganga by rishikanya (female Gurukul students). Pujya Sant Shri Ramesh Bhai Ozaji (Bhaishri), Pujya Swami Maheshwaranandaji, Pujya Swami Vedvigyanandji, Ven Bhikkhu Sanghasenaji, Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswatiji and so many other revered saints and dignitaries joined Pujya Swamiji to wish Him a blessed and divine, green birthday. A beautiful interfaith breakfast followed. Thereafter, Pujya Swamiji welcomed the Hon’ble Minister of Drinking Water and Sanitation, Government of India,...
HH Pujya Swami Chidanand Saraswatiji - Muniji speaks about how in order to make Swachh Bharat Mission, India a success we need to start with cleaning our own streets and communities, thereby, He says, automatically the nation would become swachh (clean). He speaks about the need to preserve and protect our life-giving and holy rivers because simply due to polluted water sources and lack of WASH, nearly 1200 children perish every day. He also spoke about the critical importance of planting trees along the river bed and the incredible efforts...
Watch HH Pujya Swami Chidanand Saraswatiji's inspiring interview on DD National series Aaj Savera (This Morning) where He speaks so beautiful about applying spiritual teachings in our everyday lives. He is interviewed by Ms. Gouran Lal Dhawanji who asks questions on how we can lead more peaceful and meaningful lives and how to address the obstacles that come in the way of being able to do so. Pujya Swamiji gives simple yet profound answers to these questions and shares the key is to remember to take the multivitamins of meditation,...
A short video of a program in #Rishikesh today dedicated to addressing challenges and solutions to the pollution threatening the #RiverGanga. Pujya Swami Chidanand Saraswatiji - Muniji gives an inspiring address and encourages everyone to move beyond discussions to actual action. He especially offers a green shradhanjali (tribute) to late Dr. Anil Madhav Daveji, Union Environment & Forest Minister, with the Hon'ble Governor of Uttarakhand, by offering a sacred Rudraksha sapling to Dr. KK Paulji and Speaker Vidhan Sabha, Shri Prem Chand Agarwalji and many other eminent dignitaries as a...
Swami ji reminds us that every day is Mother's Day and without mother there is no life. It is our duty to take care of our mothers in all forms....
Pujya Swamiji speaks beautifully about Late Dr. Anil Madhav Daveji, Environment & Forest Minister of Government of India, offering tribute and shradhanjali to a green leader who was truly a pioneer in paryavaran sangrakshan (environmental preservation). Pujya Swamiji shares that Shri Daveji was truly a Paryavaran Rishi, a man of great dedication, commitment, simplicity and humility, whose life was truly his divine, inspiring and incredible example to the world. #NarmadaSevaYatra #AnilMadhavDave #EnvironmentalPreservation #Environment #RiverConservation #Ganga #Rivers #WaterisLife...