Peace in the Chaos (Part 1)
Pujya Swamiji teaches us how to maintain your calm and peace when we are in chaos. Chaos is not outside, it is within us. Chaos is our endless desires. Chaos is our own anger and jealousy....
Pujya Swamiji teaches us how to maintain your calm and peace when we are in chaos. Chaos is not outside, it is within us. Chaos is our endless desires. Chaos is our own anger and jealousy....
Pujya Swamiji in a mirthful mood shares a beautiful zestful experience essaying the fact that, in chaos we you should keep your calm....
Pujya Swamiji discourses on how to maintain our peace. He says God is one, forms are many, names are many and the good thing is he loves diversity....
Pujya Swamiji says when you are stuck, dont make yourself stuck. The problem always comes with a solution. Pujya Swamiji shares a beautiful experience when he was stuck inside a lift....
Pujya Swamiji preaches how to change your life. When you change you change others. Mahatma Gandhi once said we must be the change. Live in peace and not in pieces....
Pujya Swamiji says pranayama increases your life. 40 -45mins of pranayama you wont have to take medicines. Be focused and maintain your time table, says Swamiji....
Pujya Swamiji says have faith. You are not alone. Have faith in God because His insurance company never fails, has no dues, no premiums and is always on....
Have the connection with the divine and give any name to the connection, says Pujya Swamiji. With the power of the connection you can perform your duties well. The connection with the almighty is of utmost importance. Pujya Swamiji also compares the internet connection which is will take you to the information highway and the heavenly connection which will take you to the inspiration highway....
Being more giving, sharing, loving and caring makes our life peaceful and meaningful. When there is moment in your life when you feel low, lost, shattered and broken, Dharma comes and holds you together, says Pujya Swamiji. Pujya Swamiji says money comes and goes but morality comes and grows same like beauty comes and goes but divinity comes and grows....
Pujya Swamiji says follow the path of Dharma and dignity and you will attain true joy and peace in your life. Pujya Swamiji concludes by saying that the insurance company (God) is always there for you without paying any premium, fees, and dues....