Pujya Swamiji Maharaj participated as a special guest at Graphic Era Dimd University, Dehradun, 10th Convocation. Pujya Swami Chidanand Saraswati Ji Maharaj awarded "Doctor of Philosophy" by Graphic Era Dimd University. Addressing the students of Graphic Era Dimd University, Pujya Swamiji said that it is very necessary for the youth to have three weapons, 'Peace, Patience and Confidence'. Giving degrees and medals to students, Pujya Swamiji said that come forward to make your nation a model along with the medals. Vice Chancellor of Graphic Era Dimd University Dr. Rakesh Sharma ji...
"Passion is great," declares Pujya Swamiji, "but its greatness depends on the focus of our passion. But, passion converted to compassion is always great." A heart of compassion is a heart of love, generosity, and forgiveness that creates true happiness for us. And we get such a heart through a regular spiritual practice! As the Dalai Lama once shared with Him, "It is only compassion that can make us and others happy"....
HH Pujya Swamiji brilliantly shares a short but deep message on 'Fragrance Of Meditation'- When we come out of meditation, our life starts emanating a fragrance. A fragrance of exhilaration and belongingness. It wipes your conscience of past grudges and grumbling. Cheerfulness reflects in our life and drips from every iota of our being. Meditation frees us from the pollution within and makes us bloom and blossom, just like Mother Ganga....
JOIN us for a beautiful and sacred Full Moon Meditation and Guru Vandana in the presence of HH Pujya Swamiji in his sylvan jhopri. It is believed that there is only one day in the Hindu calendar when 16 Kalas (personalities, of which Krishna has 16) come out on the Moon, and that day is today - Sharad Purnima. The Moon is fully-illuminated today, and the beams offer healing powers that nourish both the body and the spirit. In Pujya Swamiji's presence, that healing is even...
Pujya Swami Chidananda Saraswati ji flagged off two garbage vehicles from Parmarth Niketan Ashram on the auspicious occasion of Navratri after offering special prayers. Speaking on the occasion, Swamiji said that everyone's participation is essential in keeping our city clean with Mother Ganga and natural beauty. Pujya Swamiji said that cleanliness is not only our need but a habit, unless everyone adopts cleanliness, we cannot build a clean society. It is very important to dispose of garbage lying in many street mohallas, including the banks of Mother Ganga, only then a...
Lord Rama has within Him all the desirable virtues that any individual would aspire to, fulfilling all His moral obligations...
Parmarth Niketan · Pujya Swamiji's Inspiring Message On Nari Shakti (Hindi) "God has brought you here for a special purpose. Recognise your inner power. Feel your power and then fill it and share it with the world." - Pujya Swamiji speaks on the important role of women in our world....
Dussehra - one of the most-beloved and celebrated holy days in the Hindu calendar - denotes the victory of good over evil. It is said that it was on this day that goddess Durga defeated Mahishasura after a fierce battle lasting for more than nine days. In many parts of the country, it is celebrated to mark the victory of Lord Rama over ten-headed demon king of Lanka, Ravana. HH Pujya Swami Chidanand Saraswatiji - Muniji so beautifully shares that the way that we celebrate our festivals has changed because of...
We have just completed the sacred nine days and nights of Navratri, the worship of the Divine Mother. The day after Navratri (frequently referred to as the 10th day of Navratri) is Dusshera, which commemo¬rates the day on which Bhagwan Rama vanquished the 10-headed “Demon King” Ravana, thereby rescuing his wife Sitaji who had been kidnapped by this egoistic and passion-filled ruler of Lanka. Blessings on Dusshera from HH Pujya Swami Chidanand Saraswatiji – Muniji - The word “Dusshera” refers to the ten heads of Ravana, and the defeat...