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Jul 06 2023

Kanwad Yatra Free Health Camp

With the blessings of Pujya Swamiji and Pujya Sadhviji  a special Kanwad Yatra Free Health Camp began on 3rd July, on the auspicious occasion of Guru Poornima. This camp is dedicated to the yatris who travel from various places of India to visit the Neelkanth Mahadev Temple in Rishikesh. Along with this camp, we are working to spread awareness about water, sanitation, hygiene, and the importance of keeping our Ganga clean. We hope this brings change to our community and our society!  We conducted a special awareness session where yatris were...

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Jul 04 2023

Pujya Swamiji and Sadhviji at House of Lords in UK

Pujya Swamiji and Sadhvi Bhagawatiji met with Lord Richard Layard and Alexander Felix Nunn of Action for Happiness at the House of Lords in the UK.  They engaged in discussions about their remarkable initiative aimed at fostering happiness and peace worldwide, embracing people from diverse backgrounds, regardless of their religious, political, or commercial affiliations. Their vision extends a warm welcome to individuals of all faiths or none, from every walk of life, transcending gender, race, color, creed, and sexual orientation. Sadhviji presented Lord Layard and Alex each with a copy of...

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Jul 03 2023

Guru Purnima Blessings

Wishing you all abundant blessings on this auspicious occasion of Guru Purnima! May Guru Purnima bring blessings of knowledge, clarity, and inner transformation. May we find strength and guidance in the presence of our gurus, both in physical form and in the timeless wisdom they have imparted. Wishing you a blessed Guru Purnima filled with love, gratitude, and spiritual growth. May the light within you continue to flourish and shine forth by the grace of our Gurus so that we may touch the lives of many others....

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Jul 03 2023

Message on Guru Purnima

Dear Divine Souls, I hope that — by God’s grace — this finds you and all of your families and loved ones in the best of health and happiness. It is the sacred time of the year in which we give thanks and offer our humble gratitude, love and devotion to our Gurus. What is a Guru? A Guru is one who removes our darkness. In Sanskrit, Gu means “darkness” and ru is ”that which removes,” so a Guru is one who removes the darkness in our lives, who shines the light...

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Jul 03 2023

Guru Purnima Retreat at Gaunts House in United Kingdom

The Guru Purnima Retreat at Gaunts House in the United Kingdom was such an extraordinary opportunity for devotees and disciples of HH Param Pujya Swami Chidanand Saraswatiji and Pujya Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati to come together and be a part of the divine darshans and satsangs that they led. Our dear parivar, the Lakhani family, offered such beautiful seva to ensure that the event was uplifting, enriching and memorable! Enjoy these beautiful images of the event, and connect with us on all of our social media platforms for more beautiful events scheduled throughout the summer! परमार्थ निकेतन के अध्यक्ष...

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Jul 03 2023

Guru Purnima Celebrations – Discover the Light of YOU

Join us from London as HH Pujya Swami Chidanand Saraswatiji and Pujya Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswatiji lead a very special Guru Purnima program! Discover the light of YOU! The guru is the one who removes the darkness and brings the light. But what light is that? It is the light of your own self! Join us as we gather LIVE in London for this special program....

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Jun 23 2023

International Yoga Day Celebrations at Parmarth Niketan

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rGREs32cZhQ Yoga enthusiasts from around the world came together at Parmarth Niketan in the spirit of Vasudhaiva Kutumbukam to celebrate the 9th International Day of Yoga on the holy banks of Mother Ganga, in the lap of the Himalayas at Parmarth Niketan, Rishikesh. As HH Param Pujya Swami Chidanand Saraswatiji - Muniji, President of Parmarth Niketan, graced and blessed the occasion joining in the morning yoga practice, the divine atmosphere was filled with excitement for this special day for spreading and sharing the gifts of Yoga. The beautiful morning began with sacred vedic...

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Jun 22 2023

Yoga for Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam

अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय योग दिवस सारी सीमाओं को लांघते हुए योग के सार्वभौमिक रूप के दर्शन करता है। योग हमारे ऋषियों की हजारों वर्षों तक की अथक तपस्या का परिणाम हैं। ‘समत्वम् योग उच्यते’ अर्थात सुख-दुःख; सम और विषम दोनों परिस्थितियों में समान रहने का सूत्र देता है। योग जब जीवन में उतरता है तो जीव तर जाता है। जब हम योग से जुड़ते हैं तो न केवल हम अपने शरीर, आत्मा और भावनाओं से जुड़ते हैं बल्कि हम विराट ब्रह्माण्ड और विराट सत्ता से जुड़ जाते हैं और फिर न...

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Jun 21 2023

Establishment of Rudraksha Forest in the Land of Lord Rudra

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5TBnDJlIBOE परमार्थ निकेतन के अध्यक्ष स्वामी चिदानन्द सरस्वती जी और जिलाधिकारी पौड़ी गढ़वाल डा आशीष कुमार चौहान के सान्निध्य में कोठार गांव में रूद्राक्ष वन की स्थापना का शुभारम्भ किया। इस पहल के अन्तर्गत भगवान रूद्र की धरती पर आगामी मानसून के मौसम में 1000 रूद्राक्ष के पौधों का रोपण किया जायेगा। नीलकंठ महादेव मंदिर के पास स्थित कोठार गाँव में एक विशेष पौधारोपण कार्यक्रम आयोजित किया गया ताकि कांवड़ मेले में आने वाले कांवड़ियों को भी पौधारोपण और राजाजी राष्ट्रीय उद्यान में रहने वाले वन्यजीवों और हाथियों के लिए छोटे वाटरशेड...

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Jun 17 2023

Participants of Ganga Awareness & Aarti Training Workshop Performed Jalabhishek of the World Globe on World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought

परमार्थ निकेतन के अध्यक्ष स्वामी चिदानन्द सरस्वती जी ने आज विश्व मरूस्थलीकरण और सूखा रोकथाम दिवस के अवसर पर परमार्थ निकेतन में गंगा के प्रति जागरूकता एवं आरती प्रशिक्षण कार्यशाला में सहभाग करने वाले प्रतिभागियों को संबोधित करते हुये कहा कि गंगा जी सहित अन्य नदियों के तटों पर आरती का क्रम शुरू कर हम धरती की रूधिरवाहिकाओं को बचा सकते हैं। नदियों के संरक्षण में न केवल जीवन और जीविका बचेगी बल्कि धरती पर बढ़ते सूखे को भी कम किया जा सकता है। नदियों को संरक्षित कर हम अपने...

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